WRLARC Supports the Tour des Fleurs

Amateur Radio supported the Tour des Fleurs Quarter and Half Marathon benefitting the Dallas Arboretum on September 16, 2023 at White Rock Lake.

Seventeen hams provided communications from all six aid stations, the marathon medical team, and the start/finish line.

Hams also provided continuously updated locations via digital ham radio APRS for the last runner on the quarter and half marathon courses, and they were both unique! The quarter marathon “Tail End Charlie” was provided by Logan, KI5NON on his motorized skateboard, while Dave, K5YR, used his adult sized tricycle! See an APRS tracking map below.

Per club president, Dave, K5YR: “Our support had a huge impact on the Arboretum staff and their contractor (Events Southwest) keeping up to the minute on what was going on out there and making sure little issues didn’t become big problems.  They asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation to the club for volunteering time, energy, and resources to make this a successful community event.”