White Rock Lake Fox Hunt Sunday April 7

NOTE: The foxes are only released on Sunday from now on.

Rocky, Bullwinkle, Boris, Natashia, Mr. Peabody, and Sherman will be out playing around White Rock Lake. Rocky’s call is at 146.565, Bullwinkle is at 146.545, Boris is at 146.580, and Natashia, a UHF fox is at 446.100. Mr. Peabody and Sherman are our 80m foxes, at 3.580 and 3.570 respectively. NOTE THE NEW FREQUENCY FOR SHERMAN. Natasha is somewhat close to Rocky and Boris so you should be able to hear her when you find either one of them. They will all be coming out after 6PM Sunday.

As a note, when you find Rocky and Boris, you need to look at the back of their cards to get the coordinates for “near” where Bullwinkle, Mr. Peabody, and Sherman can be heard. Rocky has the latitude coordinates and Boris has the longitude coordinates. Put the two together, find the spot on the map, and when you go there you should hear Bullwinkle, Mr. Peabody, and Sherman. From that point you will need to navigate through radio direction finding to their exact locations. Of note, Mr. Peabody and Sherman are SOUTH of the coordinates.

Mr. Peabody, at 3.580, is much stronger than Sherman at 3.570 (NOTE NEW FREQUENCY). Mr. Peabody puts out the code “MO”, which is dah dah space dah dah dah. Sherman puts out the code “MI” which is dah dah space dit dit. If you stand too close to Mr. Peabody, he drowns out Sherman, so step away a bit (towards the SOUTH) and you should pick out Sherman at a slightly LOWER frequency than Mr. Peabody. It will be a challenge, but then that’s what fox hunting is all about.  Good Luck!

Many thanks to Dave, K5YR, and David, KG5VSR, for hosting these fun events on behalf of the club for area hams to enjoy and to practice radio direction finding skills.

For more info, check out the North Texas Amateur Radio Direction Finding web site, https://ntxardf.org